Thursday, November 26, 2015

Paris, November 13 2015

Paris, November 13 2015 When you find yourself blasted by the heat and staggered by the dreading drum beat of hate. Remember your hope. When all is cold, and all is seems to be laid on a deep cloke of darkness. Remember the day. When all life seems to be blasted by the hot winds of division...shriving up your garden of life. To be consumed by the flames of violence. Remember the rain. We have overcome, surly we shall overcome! Be not afraid of dark, the dark will seem to encase you..but the light will pierce it! Be not afraid of the tide of may seem to sweep all before it. But it shall have its waves broken down by a wall of love. The wildness of injustice may have its day, wreaking havoc on the innocents. But love shall tame it and it shall have the final say! LIGHT SHALL ALWAYS OVERCOME!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

An Ode for Spring (2015)

Ode for Spring. Although winter has officially ended I seemingly unmarried stand unattended. Waiting and wanting my lovers embrace once more. The North-man winds still bounding and with his strong will he binds my heart his strength is astounding! But my heart longs for my true love, throughout his shrill gray storms. Dare I speak his name? Like some talisman of old will that new hope seep in my veins and uplifting my heart for brave and for bold? Zephyr--the west wind comes and my heart rises. For the Northman's winter breaks from my heart at last. And the memory of winters wearying grinding-despices of trodden hearts, Zephyr breaks the fast!